Best Business Accountants Android Apps

twenty-five percent  i want to pay eight nine ten Adelaide Small Business Accountants percent so  they might go for a car that doesn’t  have any rewards attached to it then of  course we have rewards cards rewards one  or when they’re swipe rewards to you’re  going to find in this pack today

that it  has a higher reward and that’s because  deed versus swiped then of course you  have your signature preferred cards you  have commercial cards and you have your  p cards those are also card procurement  cards so you might say well why Andy is  the interest or the interchange so high  on commercial cards procurement cards  and signature cards because these  all you know these are handed to  corporations who typically don’t abuse  credit card they’re not going to really

  go bust on on the issuing bank and  that’s very true so the commercial cards  p cards and the signature preferred for  those folks with those high FICO scores  really manage your money well have high  balances those three card types  typically get paid off every single  month so they don’t carry a balance so  the issuing banks don’t really make a  lot of interest or can’t charge a lot of  interest on those cards so their only  way to make up for some of that money  that they’re not making by the interest  gathered on the front end is charged a  higher interchange

on the back into the  merchants so the merchants who accept  those p cards commercial cards are  actually going to pay a little bit  higher interchange even though there’s  going to be less risk tied to that on  that transaction due to being provided  by a corporation so let’s talk about  interchange who the roles are who gets  what so we have the merchant

the  merchant pays interchange the acquirer  that’s us we collect that interchange  and we’re going to send that to the  issuing bank or the issuing financial  institution that provided the card to  the consumer that’s using it at that  establishment

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